Injection Therapy Expert Chester

Who Does Raj Gandhi Help?

As an expert physiotherapist, who has been treating for more than two decades, Raj has been able to help a wide variety of people. He sees hundreds of people every week, who most of the time come to him with no idea about what’s going on.

Frustratingly, in a lot of cases, people may have already tried a variety of treatments, or they may have even already seen a physiotherapist, but given only generic and ineffective exercises, and therefore fail to see real-time improvement.

Others may have visited a chiropractor, who clicked their pain point, but since then the pain has only gotten worse, preventing them from taking part in their favourtie activities, sports, or even just day-to-day life.

Many patients will struggle to sleep during the night due to pain, or work and social life are severely impacted due to an inability to move joints properly, completely diminishing quality of life and having a knock-on effect on mental health.

The ability to socialise, get back to work, or enjoy physical activity can be hugely limited by pain and discomfort.

A lot of grandparents come to Raj with arthritis, one of the key areas that can be treated with injection therapy. For example, people will often complain about struggles when doing something as simple as bending down and are told that there are no options available other than surgery, which is a last resort for many.

For those who think they’re heading towards surgery, physiotherapy is a last chance to get relief. Many people arrive with the attitude of giving physiotherapy a try and to see what Raj and Relive Physiotherapy have to offer, after hearing so many positive reviews.

Frustratingly, Raj finds that most of the conditions could have been treated much earlier in the journey of pain and discomfort, but it’s never too late! Understanding their pain and where it is coming from helps patients to regain their confidence.

Raj gives them the options of treatment, which includes injection therapy, a method that gets immediate pain reduction, and for those struggling with arthritic pain, a hyaluronic acid injection.

The hyaluronic acid injection is not a drug, but a supplement injection that helps to improve function and get you back to what you need to do. After hyaluronic injection treatment, you’ll be able to do simple tasks such as using the stairs or bending down without having difficulty.

This injection also allows you to be able to play with your children or grandchildren, play your favourite sports and activities, and truly enjoy life with your loved ones – something that you might have been missing out on for months if not years.

These are the people that Raj gets to see and empowers them with life-changing care, providing him with immense happiness. Raj feels great satisfaction knowing he has been able to help so many people get their function back and, as the leading injection therapy expert in Chester, he will continue to do so for years to come.

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