Injection Therapy Expert Chester

What Kind Of People Do Steroid Injections Help?

On a regular basis, Raj sees hundreds of people with pain, presenting with issues such as shoulder impingement, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow and golf elbow. If you’re dealing with ailments such as this, or pain is limiting things such as walking, sporting activities, and restricting your overall function, Raj Gandhi can help.

Golfers, for example, may have knee, foot or ankle pain, and have tried various things including self-medication, massages and exercises from the internet. They might have even already seen a physiotherapist for their problems but are still experiencing pain. In these circumstances, Raj can offer various options of treatment.

It is a great idea to have physiotherapy for these conditions, which is more important in terms of the corrective exercises, to correct the cause of the problem. However, the pain can sometimes limit the ability to take part in the corrective work, which is where the cortisone, or steroid injection comes in. This is also called a corticosteroid injection.

The steroid injection helps to reduce pain and inflammation quickly. When people get pain relief, they get their confidence back and begin engaging with their exercises, meaning physiotherapy becomes more successful and the desired outcome is reached quicker.

Other conditions that you may be suffering from that can benefit from these injections include De Quervain syndrome, which is tendonitis of the hands, as well as hip bursitis, knee bursitis and plantar fasciitis.

Throughout the past decade of Raj’s injection therapy experience, he has treated hundreds of people with these, and he is confident he can help you get the relief you need and deserve for your pain.

Raj is grateful to be able to provide a comprehensive experience for his patients, with both sides of the treatment, physiotherapy and injection therapy, allowing them to walk out of Relive Physiotherapy with amazing pain relief, and Raj seeing them through every stage of their journey.

If you are in pain, and you’re looking for quick pain relief, a steroid injection could be the answer. You might need to get back to work as quickly as possible, or you’re struggling to sleep and nothing you have tried has helped – the leading injection therapy expert in Chester has a solution for you.

You do not need a doctor’s referral in order to receive a steroid injection from Raj Gandhi, as Raj is an Independent Physiotherapist Prescriber who can offer injection therapies such as steroid injections without the need for a doctor’s referral.

Hear About Happy Clients of Ours

Raj Gandhi has helped hundreds of people with various problems, many of which were resolved with a cortisone or steroid injection, which is extremely helpful for pain relief.

One success story, in particular, involved a builder who came to Raj with an intense shoulder problem that was affecting him and preventing him from being able to go to work.

He was frustrated that he could not do anything without feeling discomfort in his shoulder, an area that is used a lot in his line of work, so this client came to Raj for a routine clinical evaluation.

This was a detailed evaluation where he showed Raj what the issue was – the shoulder – and Raj was able to identify that he was suffering from shoulder impingement, which occurs when a tendon inside the shoulder, typically the rotator cuff, catches on bone, causing severe pain and weakness in the arm and shoulder.

Raj explained that the best way of moving forward, given that he was a self-employed builder, was to get quicker pain relief and enhance his physiotherapy to get to the root cause, with a cortisone injection.

After an assessment session, Raj managed to bring the patient back in the next day for a cortisone injection, and within five days he was already feeling relief.

He had some additional physiotherapy sessions, and from there he was able to regain his muscle strength and get back absolutely fit in three weeks’ time.

In three weeks’ time, he was back to his building work without any restrictions, whereas if he had been left for a longer time, the pain would have started to restrict him more and start to affect people in their sleep patterns and restrict their mobility.

They can’t put their coat on, they can’t sleep on the side, they can’t reach for the shelf and it affects their driving and it impacts their life quite a lot and he made the right decision getting the right treatment in the early days and he’s a happy guy now.

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