Injection Therapy Expert Chester

Injection therapy Myths from your doctor, friends and even social media - that are not true and leave you in pain

One of the biggest myths that the leading injection therapy expert in Chester, Raj Gandhi, encounters on a day-to-day basis is that arthritis is part of the aging process, and anyone getting old just has to live with it.

This is categorically untrue. Raj has been able to help people in their 60s, 70s and 80s with various types of injections, particularly the hyaluronic acid supplement injection, to get out of pain. This injection lines the cartilage, giving it a smoother nature and lubricating the joint, thus allowing the patient to return to their activities, from simply getting out of a chair to triathletic activity.

One client, in particular, came to Raj suffering from arthritis and was unable to ride his bike. After experiencing the benefits of the supplement injection, he is now completing 200 miles a week, providing him with immense freedom and joy from being able to return to his active pursuits.

He gets the supplement injections every year, which is what is recommended, and it gives him a great level of functional improvement, proving that no matter your age, there are options available to you and you don’t have to accept the pain.

Another myth Raj hears often is that rest will make a problem go away on its own. A lot of clients that Raj sees are self-employed and they worry that the solution they’ve been told from friends and family, rest, will prevent them from working and making a living. They cannot afford to take time off from work. Raj wants everyone to know that this doesn’t have to be the case, and early intervention is always the best.

They are often in a lot of distress and pain is disturbing the simplest of activities such as reaching, getting dressed, and even sleeping At that point, when they come to Raj, he is able to listen to them, and then explain what the problem is and where it is coming, giving them a bit more confidence, before providing them with the treatment necessary. Rest is not always going to make someone feel better.

There are many alternative options for you to help you get back to work or your sport quicker, including physio and cortisone injections. The cortisone injection acts like an anti-inflammatory, which helps to reduce the swelling and inflammation and reduces pain quicker.

This therefore allows for more effective physiotherapy, which works to restore and improve function, reduce the pain, and get the patient back to work or what they love to do as quickly as possible.

These are the biggest myths that Raj has come across, but he is determined to clarify them to educate his patients and give them the knowledge and tools they need to make the best decisions for themselves.

Are You Upset, Unsure Or Even Confused About These Myths That People You Trusted Have Told You - Which Have Probably Led To MORE Pain?

I know how upsetting it can be when you don’t know why you’re in pain, or struggling to move freely – and my expert team would love to help you get some clarity in a quick, free telephone call.

Simply click the button below, and arrange a free telephone consultation with our expert team who can answer your questions, listen to your story, and end your uncertainty, confusion and frustration.

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