Injection Therapy Expert Chester

What Are The Core Beliefs Of Chester’s #1 Injection Therapy Expert?

The core belief that Chester’s number one injection therapy expert carries with him throughout his professional career is that nobody in this world deserves to be in pain and be limited in their actions and function.

This is the reason why Raj chose to become a physiotherapist. With a background in physiotherapy and an expert injection therapy skillset, Raj is best suited to help many people with their recovery process, speeding things up for them.

Raj also feels that everybody should be given a choice, and that choice should be an informed decision, not just leading them to generic physiotherapy where they’re given basic exercises to take home and try, or to try massage.

At Relive Physiotherapy, Raj listens to the individual’s pain story to determine how he can best help this person overcome their discomfort.

Physiotherapy is a great choice, but if the pain is inhibiting function then it needs to be relieved quicker – if you had the chance to do this, why wouldn’t you?

This is where the cortisol (or steroid) injection comes in, which eases the pain much quicker, and paired with physio can make for a much more effective journey to relief.

Raj has more than 10 years of experience with injection therapy, treating hundreds of people with various conditions from shoulder pinch or frozen shoulder to tennis or golfers’ elbow and plantar fasciitis, with people have finding great improvement.

Because of his passion for getting people out of pain, Raj feels like a part of his patients’ journeys, attuning to his core belief that no one deserves to suffer from pain.

Raj also believes that being an expert physiotherapist, combined with having extensive injection therapy skillset is a great way of moving forward and providing the best level of care to patients.

Many times when Raj sees people with arthritis, they are frustrated, having been told that there is nothing that can be done for them. They often resort to surgeries that are sometimes unsuccessful or end up causing more harm than good.

When Raj sees patients, he believes them, he listens, and he offers many different treatment choices to them to help them avoid this worrying surgery.

Raj helps people feel more comfortable talking to them by not only offering physiotherapy, but also offering injection therapy.

In particular, the hyaluronic supplement injection can offer a lot of relief for patients. The great thing about this injection is that it is not a drug, and does not have side effects, but still improves function, and for a long period.

It is instrumental in helping people get their confidence back into their lives and get back to the functional goals that they highlighted when they first arrived at Relive Physiotherapy.

Raj’s job is rewarding when he sees patients leaving much happier, and grateful that he could be a part of their journey to pain relief and improve quality of life with his combination of injection therapy and physiotherapy.

Can You See How Different We Are To All The Things You Tried To Fix Your Pain In The Past?

And this is why when people visit my clinic here in Chester, they get results – even if they’ve spent years trying and failing with at-home stretches, countless doctors visits and scans, bottles of painkillers, and visits to chiropractors and massage therapists.

So why don’t you come to the clinic as part of a Free Discovery Visit. This means you see how we treat, can meet the team, and get personalized advice and recommendations on the best treatment options that can deliver you the fast, long-term, and drug-free pain relief you’re desperately searching for.

Hear From Happy Clients of Ours

Please take a moment to enjoy hearing of other people, who like you, came in to see the team at Relive Physiotherapy – and left much happier

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